How To Clean White Shoes With Baking Soda And Toothpaste?

 How to clean white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste?
How to clean white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste?

White shoes look lovely but are difficult to maintain. All of us love the pristine white façade of new shoes, but they get caked with dirt and mud with use.

Even when we clean them, the stains remain to make them look old and dirty. It breaks our hearts to see our favorite white shoes ruined in such a way. However, simple tips and tricks can do wonders at times.

We have found out that two superb homely tips can turn your white shoes glamorously white again. These are the most valuable tips for cleaning white shoes, and once you learn the technique, you can always keep them in the best condition.

Whether you have mud stains, grass stains, or even dirt, making your shoes look dull will restore them to their premium state.

How To Clean White Shoes?

To clean your white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste, you need the following

Clean Your Shoes With Baking Soda:

Classic white shoes look amazing until you step out on the streets. Once you take a walk down the lawn or go out for a jog amidst the greens, they are ruined. You can clean and restore them initially, but after a few days, they lose their beauty.

You may be wondering if there is a trick to turn them stunningly bright again. Well, yes, the answer lies in your home. Rather, the answer lies in your kitchen. Baking soda is the secret trick that can turn your shoes new and white again.

Clean Your Shoes With Baking Soda
Clean Your Shoes With Baking Soda

Follow this simple homely treatment with baking soda:

  1. Take a bowl and put in one tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Take half a tablespoon of warm water and mix it with the soda.
  3. Make a thick paste using the water and baking soda.
  4. Take a brush or old toothbrush and apply the baking soda paste onto the stains on the shoes.
  5. If the entire shoe looks dull and dirty, apply the baking soda mixture onto the whole surface.
  6. Using the brush or old toothbrush, scrub the baking soda paste in circles on the surface of the shoes.
  7. Now let the baking soda sit on the shoes for about half an hour. Leave them aside.
  8. Once the soda paste is dry, use a wet sponge or rag to clean the shoes’ surface.
  9. Wash properly till the baking soda paste no longer remains on the surface of the shoes.
  10. The shoes should look clean and new by now. If some stains remain, repeat the procedure.

Usually, repeating this procedure once or twice can turn your shoes absolutely new. However, some stains like those of coffee or paint can be very stubborn. You may need to repeat the procedure a few times. To make the mixture stronger, you can mix Hydrogen Peroxide with the baking soda.

Another advantage of using baking soda for shoes is that it can deodorize them. Baking soda does kill not only the bad odor in your refrigerator but also the stench in your shoes. Baking soda well absorbs the odors inside the shoes and leaves them absolutely clean.

Therefore, it is the best solution to clean both the insides and the outsides of your white shoes. Pour in spoons of baking soda inside the shoes and leave them overnight to eat up the odors and bacteria. Overturn the shoes to throw out the baking soda the next day and find the boots new and fresh.

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Clean Your Shoes With Toothpaste:

Another excellent simple trick that you can try at home is cleaning your white shoes with toothpaste. Toothpaste is beneficial if you have less time on your hands.

It helps to easily cover small stains when you are in a hurry. All you need to do is take a little portion and rub it on the stains. But, if you have more time on your hands, toothpaste can help remove the stains from your shoes instead of just covering them up.

Clean Your Shoes With Toothpaste
Clean Your Shoes With Toothpaste
Here is all you need to do to clean your shoes using toothpaste:
  • Take non-gel-based toothpaste to clean your shoes. Avoid colored toothpaste for this purpose as it can stain the white surface. You can go for the whitening toothpaste that claims to brighten your teeth.
  • Use an old toothbrush and apply the toothpaste to the stains.
  • Keep brushing in circular motions over the stains.
  • Now leave the paste on the surface of the shoes for about 20 minutes.
  • Dampen a towel or use a wet sponge to clean the dried toothpaste from the shoes’ surface.
  • The stains should have disappeared by now. If not, repeat the procedure.

Sometimes, the key to all the solutions to your problems lies at home. Homely tricks are the best solutions that help you out in innumerable ways in your daily life. After all, from ants in your kitchen to stains on your shoes, the answer is just a step ahead in your kitchen.

Additional Tips To Keep In Mind While Cleaning White Shoes

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when cleaning your white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste:

  • After cleaning, air dry your shoes in a shaded area. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause fading and discoloration.
  • For tough stains, consider using a soft-bristled brush or an eraser to gently remove the dirt.
  • If your shoes are extremely dirty, consider using a combination of baking soda, toothpaste, and vinegar for optimal results.
  • To prevent future staining, apply a water repellent spray on your white shoes after cleaning, but make sure the spray is compatible with the shoe’s material.

Cleaning your white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste can be an effective hack, but it’s essential to know how to carry it out properly to avoid common mistakes and ensure optimal results.

Alternative Cleaning Methods

When it comes to cleaning white shoes, baking soda and toothpaste are not the only options available. Here are some alternative cleaning methods that you can try:

Comparison Of Other Popular Cleaning Products And Tools Available In The Market

There are many white shoe cleaning products available in the market, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Magic eraser: This cleaning tool is great for removing scuff marks and stains. It works like a pencil eraser, only better. However, it may not be as effective on deeply ingrained dirt or stains.
    • Advantages: Quick and easy to use, effective on scuff marks and easy stains
    • Disadvantages: May not be as effective on deep stains or dirt, can be abrasive and damage delicate fabrics
  • White vinegar: White vinegar is a natural cleaner that works wonders when it comes to removing stains and odors. It’s also gentle on most fabrics. However, it may not be as effective on tough stains like grass or blood.
    • Advantages: Natural and eco-friendly, effective on most stains and odors, gentle on fabrics
    • Disadvantages: May not be effective on tough stains, strong smell
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful stain remover that can work wonders on tough stains. However, it can be damaging to some materials, so it’s important to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first.
    • Advantages: Powerful stain remover, effective on tough stains, easy to find at most pharmacies or drugstores
    • Disadvantages: Can be damaging to some materials, should be used with caution
  • Sneaker cleaning kit: You can buy a complete sneaker cleaning kit that usually includes a cleaner, brush, and protector. These kits are great for people who want a comprehensive solution and don’t want to mix their own cleaning solution. However, they can be expensive.
    • Advantages: Comprehensive solution, easy to use, effective on most stains and materials
    • Disadvantages: Expensive, may not be suitable for certain types of shoes

Additional Hacks That Can Be Used To Transform White Shoes

Here are some additional hacks that can help transform your white shoes:

  • Use a mr. clean magic eraser to remove stubborn stains and scuff marks
  • Apply a mixture of baking soda and water to remove yellowing and restore whiteness
  • Rub toothpaste onto your shoes to remove small scuffs and bring back shine
  • Use a soft-bristled brush to remove dirt and debris
  • Apply a water and vinegar mixture to remove odors and freshen up your shoes.

With these alternative cleaning methods and hacks, you’ll be able to keep your white shoes looking clean and fresh, no matter how dirty they get.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Baking Soda Help Clean White Shoes?

Baking soda’s abrasive properties help remove dirt and stains from white shoes. It works as a natural cleaning agent and effectively eliminates any odors.

Can Toothpaste Be Used To Clean White Shoes?

Toothpaste acts as a gentle abrasive that can clean the surface of white shoes without causing damage. It can help remove scuff marks and discoloration.

How Do You Use Baking Soda And Toothpaste To Clean White Shoes?

To clean white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste, start by mixing them together in a bowl. Then, apply the mixture to the shoes using a toothbrush. Let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with water.

Can You Use This Method To Clean Any Type Of Shoe?

This cleaning method works best for white shoes or shoes with a white sole. It may not be as effective on colored or patterned shoes as it could cause discoloration.

Is This A Cost-Effective Way To Clean White Shoes?

Yes, using baking soda and toothpaste to clean white shoes is a cost-effective alternative to purchasing specialized shoe cleaning products. You likely already have these items in your home.


Clean and shining white shoes adorn the fashion industry, but their maintenance is quite a challenging task. However, using some readily available household items like baking soda and toothpaste can help you keep your white shoes looking brand new. Baking soda is a versatile cleaning agent, providing deep cleaning to remove stains without causing harm to the shoes.

Toothpaste acts as a gentle abrasive and removes dirt and grime. The combination of both works wonders to maintain the shoes’ whiteness and pristine condition. Remember to use a soft-bristled brush, warm water, and dry the shoes completely to avoid any damage.

The next time someone asks, “how do i clean white shoes with baking soda and toothpaste? ” You have the perfect answer, thanks to this blog post. Enjoy spotless white shoes, thanks to this simple and easy cleaning tip.

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